German Confederation

The German Confederation was founded after the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
Who was not a member of the German Confederation?
The Hanseatic League

The (best known) Hanseatic League was an association of North German merchants and existed from the 12th to the 17th century. From the 14th century onwards, it changed into a Hanseatic League of cities with enormous political power.
Approximately how many cities belonged to the Hanseatic League at its peak?
Adolf Hitler
What was the birth name of Adolf Hitler's father?
The year 1888 went down in history as the so-called Three Emperors' Year. Grandfather, father and son reigned within only 4 months of each other.
The three emperors were named Wilhelm I, Wilhelm II and...?
Thirty Years' War

The devastation of a particular town during the Thirty Years' War by imperial troops (the Blood Wedding) is considered the worst massacre of the time and caused horror throughout Europe.
Which city was destroyed at that time?
ShUM cities

Three of the most important Jewish communities of the Middle Ages are today called the ShUM cities (SchUM in German, שו״מin Hebrew).
This is an abbreviation for the Jewish names of which cities?
The Habsburgs

The noble dynasty of the Habsburgs has provided all emperors of the Holy Roman Empire (German Nation) since 1438 - with one exception. At times, the dynasty also ruled over a large part of Europe.
What was the name of the last Habsburg king and emperor?
Friedrich Ebert

What position did Friedrich Ebert (SPD) hold in the Weimar Republic from 1919 until his death in 1925?
Capitulare de villis
What is the Capitulare de villis, traditionally attributed to the pen of Charlemagne?
Reichs... Gesundheit?

After Napoleon had conquered the territories on the left bank of the Rhine, a law was passed in the rest of the empire to compensate the German princes for their loss of territory on the left bank of the Rhine. For this purpose, smaller dominions were dissolved (mediatisation) and church property was nationalised (secularisation). It was the last significant law of the Holy Roman Empire.
What is the law called?
As a little extra help for our English players: It's usually translated as Principal Conclusion of the Extraordinary Imperial Delegation.
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